Monday, March 3, 2008

Jeg er meget øm.

I actually specifically asked my Danish teacher this morning how to say "I'm sore," as we were practicing dialogues about maladies and things anyway.

For anyone considering taking up Thai Bo in the near future, be advised: ow.  I'd seen my gym holding classes before and it had looked fun, so I dropped into Sunday morning's session before hitting the books (it's midterms week at DIS for everyone).  The class itself was fairly fun in an "I don't think I've ever sweat so much voluntarily" sort of way-- lots of bouncing and jab-punches-- and felt like a great workout.  But then I woke up this morning and my upper back and shoulders are not happy with me.  Taking off my peacoat has been quite the experience today, let me tell you, as was sitting comfortably during my Russian history test.

On the upside, my work seems to be in decent shape, as does my thesis proposal for Brown, which is due in a month.  And I posted more photos, including those from last weekend in Cambridge!  Enjoy!

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